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XENOSTEGIA D.F. Austin & Staples
Herbs, twining and often prostrate (in ours). Leaves variable in shape and size, entire or lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary or in axillary usually cymose inflorescences. Sepals 5, usually subequal. Corolla nearly always yellow or white with or without a red or purple centre. Anthers at anthesis helically twisted; pollen tricolpate. Ovary 2-4-locular. Style 1, simple, filiform; stigmas 2, spherical. Capsule 4-valved or irregularly dehiscent. Seeds 4. Derivation of name: after Blasius Merrem, 1761-1824, a German naturalist Worldwide: c. 70 species in the tropics Mozambique: 1 cultivated taxon. |
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tuberosa (L.) Rendle | Description |
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