Trees and shrubs, some mangroves (Sonneratia) with aerial roots (pneumatophores). Stipules 0. Leaves simple, opposite, petiolate, entire. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, axillary or terminal. Calyx tube campanulate, 4-8-lobed. Petals 4-8 or 0. Stamens 12 to numerous; filaments free, anthers medifixed. Ovary 4-many-locular; ovules numerous. Fruit a many-seeded berry or capsule.
The two genera are Sonneratia (a Mozambican native genus of mangroves) and Duabanga, which is cultivated in Zimbabwe. Both genera are sometimes included in the Lythraceae. Worldwide: 2 genera and 8 species in the tropics of the Old World Mozambique: 1 genus and 1 taxon. |