Acaulescent, tuberous, terrestrial herbs. Leaf usually 1, subtended by basal cataphylls, often spotted; lamina 3-partite, each major segment highly divided ± pinnately or irregularly. Inflorescence produced before the leaves (in ours); peduncle shorter than petiole. Spathe
with a convolute basal portion; upper portion ± expanded with undulate margin. Spadix with female flowers at base, male flowers in
central portion and with a ± smooth sterile apex. Flowers unisexual, without perianth segments, densely congested. Stamens free or filaments connate in groups of 2-3. Ovary 2(-4)-locular. Berries borne in a cylindric spike. Worldwide: 196 species in the Old World tropics. 35 native species in Africa.
Mozambique: 4 taxa. |