Location: Dandaro Retirement Village, Harare

General Information

Quarter degree square: 1731C3

Country: Zimbabwe

Habitat: Mainly a cultivated flora; some native and introduced species

Altitude range: 1524-1532 m

Annual rainfall:

Location (short): Walled village adjacent to the Borrowdale Road, Harare

Location (detailed): In general, the Village wall has been taken as the boundary, but we have included in the location the area between the Borrowdale Road and the Village.
The whole of this location lies within Location 8, Borrowdale Common.


Fairly dense housing units surrounded by well-maintained gardens with considerable diversity of planted species.

Useful links

View a list of records for Dandaro Retirement Village, Harare

View a list of unique taxa (excluding cultivated plants) for Dandaro Retirement Village, Harare

View a list of unique taxa (all taxa whether cultivated or not) for Dandaro Retirement Village, Harare

View map showing records

View a list of recorders who have visited this location

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Location details: Dandaro Retirement Village, Harare.
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/location-display.php?location_id=229, retrieved 10 February 2025

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