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Shrublets, shrubs, trees or climbers. Spines 0 but lateral branches may be sharp at the tip. Leaves alternate or crowded on short side shoots, simple or 3(-5)-foliolate. Flowers bisexual. Receptacle cylindric or funnel-shaped, often produced into a disk. Sepals (3-)4. Petals 0 or (3-)4(-8). Androgynophore shorter than the sepals. Gynophore elongated. Fruit spherical, ovoid, ellipsoid, oblong-ellipsoid or cylindric, sometimes beaded. Worldwide: 50 species in tropical and South Africa, extending to India Mozambique: 20 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
acuminata Oliv.[NrEnd][DD] | N | |
aethiopica (Fenzl) Oliv. | Description, Image | |
andradae Wild[End][LR-lc] | N | |
angolensis DC. | N,Z,T,MS,GI,M | Description, Image |
brunnescens Wild[End][DD] | Z,T,MS,GI,M | Description, Image |
bussei (Gilg & Gilg-Ben.) Wilczek | ||
cafra (DC.) Pax | Description | |
cerasicarpa Gilg | N | |
edulis (Gilg & Gilg-Ben.) DeWolf | N,T,MS,GI,M | Description, Image |
grantii Oliv. | N | |
juncea Pax[Agg] | N,T,MS,GI | |
juncea Pax subsp. crustata (Wild) Wild | N,T,MS,GI | Description, Image |
juncea Pax subsp. juncea | N,T,MS,GI | Description, Image |
kirkii (Oliv.) F. White | N,MS,GI | Description, Image |
nervosa (Hochst.) Oliv. | GI,M | Description, Image |
parvifolia Pax | T,MS,GI,M | Description, Image |
rosmarinoides (Sond.) Gilg & Gilg-Ben. | M | |
scandens (Klotzsch) Gilg[End] | Z,GI | |
schliebenii Gilg & Gilg-Ben.[NrEnd] | N | |
triphylla A. Rich. subsp. pubescens (Klotzsch) DeWolf | N,Z,T,GI | Description, Image |
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