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Annuals or perennials. Leaves: lamina variable, from linear to ovate. Inflorescence a panicle, usually much branched, but occasionally ± contracted about the primary branches. Spikelets dorsally flattened, rarely slightly gibbous; lower glume usually shorter than (rarely equal to) the spikelet; upper glume as long as, the spikelet, often with a stipe-like internode between the glumes; lower floret male or barren; its lower lemma resembling the upper glume; upper lemma crustaceous; margin involute and clasping only the edges of the palea. A generally recognisable genus but the following could be confused with it: Brachiaria deflexa, Eriochloa meyeriana, Tricholaena monachne. Worldwide: 500 species or more in tropical and warm temperate zones Mozambique: 42 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
brazzavillense Franch. | N | Description |
brevifolium L. | MS | Description |
carneovaginatum Renvoize | MS | |
coloratum L. var. coloratum | MS,GI,M | Description |
comorense Mez | N,Z,MS,M | |
deustum Thunb. | N,GI,M | Description |
dregeanum Nees | MS | Description, Image |
ecklonii Nees | MS | Description |
eickii Mez | MS | Description |
fluviicola Steud. | N,M | Description |
glandulopaniculatum Renvoize | Z,MS | Description |
gracilicaule Rendle | N | Description |
graciliflorum Rendle | N | |
graniflorum Stapf | Z | Description |
hanningtonii Stapf | MS | |
heterostachyum Hack. | Description, Image | |
hymeniochilum Nees | MS | Description |
inaequilatum Stapf & C.E. Hubb. | MS | Description |
infestum Andersson ex Peters | N,MS,M | Description |
kalaharense Mez | M | Description |
laticomum Nees | N,MS | Description |
lindleyanum Steud. | Z | |
madipirense Mez | MS | Description |
massaiense Mez | Z | |
maximum Jacq. | N,Z,T,MS,GI,M | Description, Image |
merkeri Mez | MS | Description |
monticola Hook. f. | MS | Description, Image |
mueense Vanderyst | MS | |
natalense Hochst. | MS | Description |
parvifolium Lam. | N,MS,M | |
peteri Pilg. | MS | Description |
phragmitoides Stapf | N | Description |
pilgeri Mez | N | |
pleianthum Peter | MS,GI | |
poaeoides Stapf | T | Description |
porphyrrhizos Steud. | N | Description |
repens L. | N,Z,MS | Description |
subalbidum Kunth | MS,M | Description, Image |
subflabellatum Stapf | MS,GI,M | |
trichocladum Hack. ex K. Schum. | N,Z,MS | Description |
trichoides Sw. | N,MS | Description |
wiehei Renvoize | Z | Description |
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