Literature: | | |
Chase, M.W., Reveal, J.L. & Fay, M.J. (2009) A subfamilial classification for the expanded asparagalean families Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 161 132-136 | | |
Nordal, I. (1982) Amaryllidaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa | | |
Zimudzi, C., Archer, R.H., Kwembeya, E.G. & Nordal, I. (2008) Amaryllidacae Flora Zambesiaca 13(1) | | |
| | |
Names | FZ Divisions |
| | |
1046.000 AGAPANTHUS L'Hér. | | |
Agapanthus inapertus P. Beauv. | | |
subsp. intermedius F.M. Leight. | M |
Agapanthus dyeri F.M. Leight. | | |
| | |
1167.010 SCADOXUS Raf. | | |
Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf. | | |
subsp. multiflorus | Z,T,MS,GI,M |
Haemanthus multiflorus Martyn | | |
Scadoxus puniceus (L.) Friis & Nordal | M |
Haemanthus puniceus L. | | |
| | |
1168.000 BOOPHONE Herb. | | |
BOOPHANE Herb. | | |
Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb. | T |
Boophane disticha (L.f.) Herb. | | |
Boophone toxicaria (L.f.) Herb. | | |
| | |
1189.000 CRINUM L. | | |
Crinum macowanii Baker | MS |
Crinum johnstonii Baker | | |
Crinum pedicellatum Pax | | |
Crinum paludosum I. Verd. | MS |
Crinum stuhlmannii Baker | | |
subsp. delagoense (I. Verd.) Kwembeya & Nordal | N,Z,MS,GI,M |
Crinum delagoense I. Verd. | | |
Crinum graminicola sensu Plowes &Drummond in Wild Flowers of Zimbabwe, 1990: plate 24/25 | | |
Crinum subcernuum Baker | Z |
Crinum menyharthii Baker | | |
Crinum verdoorniae Lehmiller | MS |
Crinum kirkii sensu I. Verd. | | |
Crinum walteri Overkott | MS |
Crinum minimum sensu auctt. non Milne-Redh. | | |
| | |
1190.000 AMMOCHARIS Herb. | | |
Ammocharis tinneana (Kotschy & Peyr.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick. | N,T |
Crinum tinneanum Kotschy & Peyr. | | |
| | |
1191.000 CYRTANTHUS Aiton | | |
Cyrtanthus galpinii Baker | MS |
Cyrtanthus balenii Phillips | | |
Cyrtanthus rhodesianus Rendle [NrEnd] [LR-nt] | MS |
| | |
1199.000 CRYPTOSTEPHANUS Welw. ex Baker | | |
Cryptostephanus vansonii I. Verd. [NrEnd] | Z,MS |
| | |
1202.000 PANCRATIUM L. | | |
Pancratium tenuifolium Hochst. ex A. Rich. | Z,M |
Pancratium chapmannii Harv. | | |
Pancratium trianthum sensu auctt. | | |
| | |
1215.020 TULBAGHIA L. | | |
Tulbaghia alliacea (L.f.) Thunb. | MS |
Tulbaghia brachystemma Kunth | | |
Tulbaghia campanulata N.E. Br. | | |
Tulbaghia cernua Avé-Lall. | | |
Tulbaghia inodora Gaertn. | | |
Tulbaghia narcissiflora Salisb. | | |
Tulbaghia cameronii Baker | N |
Tulbaghia friesii Suess. [NrEnd] | MS |