Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 120 (Victoria Falls Zambia )

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia nigrescens Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia nigrescens Livingstone District; Victoria Falls.Record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia nigrescens Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia schweinfurthii Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia sieberiana var. sieberiana Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha fimbriata Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, on path leading up stream from entrance gateRecord (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha fimbriata Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, on path leading up stream from entrance gateRecord (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha fimbriata Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, on path leading up stream from entrance gateRecord (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha ornata Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha ornata Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls. Around the kiosk on the path to the Knife Edge bridge.Record (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha ornata Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls. Around the kiosk on the path to the Knife Edge bridge.Record (with image)
AmaranthaceaeAchyranthes aspera var. sicula Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
PteridaceaeActiniopteris radiata Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road. Record
Malvaceae subfamily BombacoideaeAdansonia digitata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Malvaceae subfamily BombacoideaeAdansonia digitata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AdiantaceaeAdiantum capillus-veneris Livingstone District; Victoria Falls. Record
AdiantaceaeAdiantum incisum Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
AdiantaceaeAdiantum incisum Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
IridaceaeAfrosolen erythranthus Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
IridaceaeAfrosolen schimperi Going north from Falls to Livingstone on left about half way in damp depression under large treeRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeAgeratum conyzoides Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
AsteraceaeAgeratum conyzoides Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia versicolor Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AsphodelaceaeAloe chabaudii var. chabaudii (planted)Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AsphodelaceaeAloe chabaudii var. chabaudii (planted)Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AsphodelaceaeAloe cryptopoda Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the fenced Falls area, downstream from the falls on the edge of the cliff almost opposite the Zambian customs/immigration buildingRecord (with image)
AsphodelaceaeAloe cryptopoda Record (with image)
AsphodelaceaeAloe cryptopoda At Victoria Falls, LivingstoneRecord (with image)
VitaceaeAmpelocissus africana var. africana Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within Falls fenced area, over knife edge bridge at the last viewing area of the FallsRecord (with image)
ScrophulariaceaeAptosimum decumbens Farmland just below the Makuni ridge about 7km east of the road between Livingstone and the Falls, turn off about 300m south of the Maramba riverRecord (with image)
AnnonaceaeArtabotrys brachypetalus Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AsteraceaeAspilia kotschyi var. alba Livingstone: dirt road to Maramba lodge, on right going towards the lodgeRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBaikiaea plurijuga LivingstoneRecord (with image)
BalanitaceaeBalanites aegyptiaca var. aegyptiaca Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AcanthaceaeBarleria lugardii Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBauhinia macrantha LivingstoneRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBauhinia petersiana Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
CapparaceaeBoscia salicifolia Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
PhyllanthaceaeBridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
LamiaceaeCantinoa americana NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn right (north) about 2 kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right.Record (with image)
LauraceaeCassytha filiformis Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
VitaceaeCayratia gracilis Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
AmaranthaceaeCelosia trigyna Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
PedaliaceaeCeratotheca triloba Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
SolanaceaeCestrum laevigatum Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum longifolium Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
MenispermaceaeCocculus hirsutus Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeColophospermum mopane Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeColophospermum mopane Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
CombretaceaeCombretum collinum Farmland just below the Makuni ridge about 7 km east of the road between Livingstone and the Falls, turn off about 200m south of the Maramba river. At entrance to farm take right hand fork walk about 400m trees on rightRecord (with image)
CombretaceaeCombretum hereroense subsp. hereroense Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
CombretaceaeCombretum imberbe Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
CombretaceaeCombretum molle Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
CommelinaceaeCommelina erecta Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
NyctaginaceaeCommicarpus plumbagineus Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
BurseraceaeCommiphora mossambicensis Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
CucurbitaceaeCorallocarpus bainesii Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeCorchorus asplenifolius Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
BoraginaceaeCordia pilosissima Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
AcanthaceaeCrabbea velutina Vic Falls 'rain forest'Record (with image)
RubiaceaeCrossopteryx febrifuga Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCrotalaria laburnifolia subsp. laburnifolia South of Livingstone: on right hand side of road to Batoka Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map), about 300m from the turn off the main roadRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCrotalaria laburnifolia subsp. laburnifolia South of Livingstone: on right hand side of road to Batoka Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map), about 300m from the turn off the main roadRecord (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeCroton gratissimus var. gratissimus Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
CucurbitaceaeCtenolepis cerasiformis Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
CucurbitaceaeCucumis metuliferus South of Livingstone: gorge swing down the path past the landing platform to where the path flattens out, in thicket before the rocksRecord (with image)
CommelinaceaeCyanotis foecunda Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
CyperaceaeCyperus dubius Victoria FallsRecord
CyperaceaeCyperus dubius Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
CyperaceaeCyperus dubius Victoria FallsRecord
CyperaceaeCyperus dubius Livingstone District, Victoria Falls.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDalbergia melanoxylon Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
PoaceaeDanthoniopsis petiolata Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDecorsea schlechteri On right hand side of road to Bakota Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map) at then end of disturbed area as it meets woodland, next to a bicycle path going towards LivingstoneRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDecorsea schlechteri On right hand side of road to Bakota Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map) at then end of disturbed area as it meets woodland, next to a bicycle path going towards LivingstoneRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeDichrostachys cinerea Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AcanthaceaeDicliptera verticillata Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
EbenaceaeDiospyros mespiliformis Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
EbenaceaeDiospyros quiloensis Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
HyacinthaceaeDipcadi platyphyllum South of Livingstone: around the parking lot at Gorge swingRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeDuosperma crenatum Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
AcanthaceaeDuosperma quadrangulare Livingstone: on the western edge of the sewerage ponds Record (with image)
AraceaeEpipremnum aureum (planted)Safpar boat launch, LivingstoneRecord
PoaceaeEragrostis aspera Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
PoaceaeEragrostis nindensis Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeErythrina livingstoniana (planted)Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeErythrophleum africanum LivingstoneRecord (with image)
ErythroxylaceaeErythroxylum zambesiacum Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AsteraceaeEthulia conyzoides subsp. conyzoides Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
EbenaceaeEuclea divinorum Livingstone. In small gorge leading down to main gorge below the Victoria Falls.Record
OrchidaceaeEulophia guineensis Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia eylesii Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia heterophylla Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia ingens Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia mossambicensis Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia tirucalli Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeFaidherbia albida Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
MoraceaeFicus abutilifolia Victoria Falls, 5th Gorge. Record (with image)
MoraceaeFicus capreifolia Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
MoraceaeFicus ingens Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
MoraceaeFicus sur Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
MoraceaeFicus sycomorus Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
SalicaceaeFlacourtia indica Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
AsteraceaeFlaveria trinervia Livingstone: to the right of the dirt road alongside the first sewerage pond, about half way.Record (with image)
PhyllanthaceaeFlueggea virosa subsp. virosa Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AnnonaceaeFriesodielsia obovata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
ClusiaceaeGarcinia livingstonei Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
RubiaceaeGardenia resiniflua subsp. resiniflua Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
RubiaceaeGardenia resiniflua subsp. resiniflua Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the fenced area of the Falls, both up and down streamRecord (with image)
IridaceaeGladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii (yellow form) Along the rim of the FallsRecord (with image)
IridaceaeGladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii (yellow form) Along the rim opposite the Victoria Falls over the Knife edge bridgeRecord (with image)
ColchicaceaeGloriosa superba South of Livingstone: take the road past Batoka Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map) to the T junction, turn right, on right hand side about half way to ZAWA gate.Record (with image)
ColchicaceaeGloriosa superba Riverside drive about 300m before ZAWA gateRecord (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeGrewia flavescens var. flavescens Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeGrewia monticola Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeGuibourtia coleosperma LivingstoneRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeGuibourtia coleosperma LivingstoneRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeGuibourtia coleosperma LivingstoneRecord (with image)
CelastraceaeGymnosporia senegalensis Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
CelastraceaeGymnosporia senegalensis Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
PedaliaceaeHarpagophytum zeyheri subsp. sublobatum SE of Livingstone: under power lines on road to Taita Falcon. On Arthur Brew drive (dirt) about 3kms past the turning at the big BaobabRecord (with image)
RhamnaceaeHelinus integrifolius Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus allenii South of Livingstone: road to Maramba Lodge on right, about 50m before the lodge gateRecord (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus articulatus South of Livingstone: road to Maramba Lodge on right about half way downRecord
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus articulatus South of Livingstone: at the turn off to Maramba Lodge on right just before the sign (if coming from Livingstone).Record (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus mutatus Within the Victoria Falls fenced area upstream about 50 m from the riverRecord (with image)
CelastraceaeHippocratea crenata Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeHuernia levyi Just above Victoria Falls, LivingstoneRecord (with image)
ArecaceaeHyphaene petersiana Safpar boat launch, LivingstoneRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeIndigofera astragalina NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms from the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on rightRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeIndigofera flavicans E of Livingstone: road to Makuni ridge, about half way between the power lines and the gate to the farm, on the rightRecord
PodostemaceaeInversodicraea tenax Just above Victoria Falls, LivingstoneRecord (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea dichroa NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right, keep going road branches take the left fork past some houses then fork right keep going about 2 kmRecord (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea eriocarpa NW of Livingstone; road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right. In middle of quarry.Record (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea leucanthemum SE of Livingstone: road to Makuni ridge, go into the farm and take the left hand fork to the dam (road ends here) walk down towards the dam, on the edge of water (dam later broke and was drained, may be repaired by now)Record (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea mauritiana Within the Victoria Falls fenced area over the knife edge bridge on the side away from the FallsRecord (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea parasitica Along the main road from Livingstone to the Zimbabwe border just before the Maramba river bridge on the left (east) travelling south from LivingstoneRecord (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea parasitica Livingstone, suburbsRecord
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea rubens Zambezi River at Avani, LivingstoneRecord
OleaceaeJasminum fluminense Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
OleaceaeJasminum fluminense Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
LamiaceaeKalaharia uncinata NW of Livingstone: road to Vistana farm (turn north about 2kms before the western park gate). Drive about 5 kms to top of a hill, quarry on right, Kalahari sands, on eastern side of quarry as it merges with Brachystegia woodlandRecord (with image)
CrassulaceaeKalanchoe lanceolata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
BignoniaceaeKigelia africana subsp. africana Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
KirkiaceaeKirkia acuminata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AnacardiaceaeLannea schweinfurthii Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
VerbenaceaeLantana camara Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
VerbenaceaeLantana camara Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
CampanulaceaeLobelia kirkii Zambian side of Vic Falls; on the right just over the knife edge bridge inside the fenced area of the FallsRecord (with image)
SapotaceaeManilkara mochisia Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
SapotaceaeMimusops zeyheri Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
CucurbitaceaeMomordica cardiospermoides Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeMondia whitei Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeMundulea sericea Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
RutaceaeMurraya paniculata (planted)Royal Livingstone Hotel, ZambiaRecord
MyrothamnaceaeMyrothamnus flabellifolius Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
AcanthaceaeNelsonia canescens Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls, upstreamRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeNeojeffreya decurrens Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord (with image)
PoaceaeOplismenus burmannii Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
CactaceaeOpuntia ficus-indica Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeOrmocarpum zambesianum Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeOrthanthera jasminiflora Livingstone: along the northern edge of the sewerage ponds almost under the fence between the ponds and ZAWA reserveRecord (with image)
OxalidaceaeOxalis corniculata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
SapindaceaePaullinia pinnata Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
RubiaceaePavetta cataractarum Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the spray zone of the fenced area of the Falls. Over the knife edge bridge, first left and it is on the right about the centre of the islandRecord (with image)
RubiaceaePavetta gardeniifolia var. gardeniifolia Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
AsteraceaePegolettia senegalensis NW of Livingstone: on the Vistana farm road before the quarry, on the right going northRecord (with image)
AraceaePhilodendron lacerum (planted)Safpar boat launch, LivingstoneRecord
ArecaceaePhoenix reclinata Islands at the Victoria FallsRecord
ArecaceaePhoenix reclinata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
ArecaceaePhoenix reclinata Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
ArecaceaePhoenix reclinata Zambian side of Victoria Falls: within the spray zone of the Falls over the knife edge bridge about 50 m on leftRecord (with image)
ArecaceaePhoenix reclinata Safpar boat launch, LivingstoneRecord
PhyllanthaceaePhyllanthus pentandrus Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
PhyllanthaceaePhyllanthus reticulatus Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaePiliostigma thonningii Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AraceaePistia stratiotes Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AraliaceaePolyscias guilfoylei (planted)Safpar boat launch, LivingstoneRecord
MyrtaceaePsidium guajava Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
PteridaceaePteris vittata Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaePterocarpus lucens subsp. antunesii Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
AmaranthaceaePupalia lappacea var. lappacea Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
ConnaraceaeRourea orientalis Zambian side of Victoria Falls: at the bottom of the boiling pot path, within the fenced area of the Falls Record (with image)
PoaceaeSacciolepis typhura Victoria Falls, Livingstone Island. Record
DracaenaceaeSansevieria pearsonii Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
DracaenaceaeSansevieria pearsonii Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
DracaenaceaeSansevieria pearsonii Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
AsteraceaeSclerocarpus africanus Within the fenced area of the Victoria Falls along the path between the kiosk and toiletsRecord (with image)
AnacardiaceaeSearsia quartiniana Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
SelaginellaceaeSelaginella imbricata Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
SelaginellaceaeSelaginella imbricata In rocks at the top of gorge swing right on the edge of the cliff just east of the parking lotRecord (with image)
SelaginellaceaeSelaginella imbricata In rocks at the top of gorge swing right on the edge of the cliff just east of the parking lotRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSenna occidentalis Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AizoaceaeSesuvium hydaspicum Livingstone: just inside the gate at the Maramba Lodge on right (going in)Record (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeSida acuta Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
AsteraceaeSolanecio angulatus Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
SolanaceaeSolanum scabrum Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
SolanaceaeSolanum seaforthianum Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
SolanaceaeSolanum seaforthianum Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
VerbenaceaeStachytarpheta urticifolia (cultivated) (planted)Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeSterculia africana Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
OrobanchaceaeStriga gesnerioides Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
LoganiaceaeStrychnos potatorum Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
AraceaeSyngonium podophyllum (cultivated) (planted)Safpar boat launch, LivingstoneRecord
MyrtaceaeSyzygium guineense subsp. barotsense Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeTacazzea apiculata Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeTacazzea apiculata Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeTacazzea apiculata Livingstone: within the grounds of the Maramba Lodge, climbing over entrance to reception and in thicket along the riverRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeTamarindus indica Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
RubiaceaeTarenna luteola Livingstone: drive past Bakota Sky (Sichinga Road 1974 map) about 500m further on, follow small bicycle path to the left for about 100m, on rightRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTephrosia euprepes Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
CombretaceaeTerminalia randii Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord
LamiaceaeTetradenia galpinii Victoria FallsRecord (with image)
MenispermaceaeTiliacora funifera Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
AsteraceaeTithonia rotundifolia Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
EuphorbiaceaeTragia kirkiana Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
BoraginaceaeTrichodesma zeylanicum Road between Zambia immigration and the Victoria Falls bridgeRecord
AsteraceaeTridax procumbens Livingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. Record
AsteraceaeTridax procumbens Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeTriumfetta annua Victoria Falls, Zambian sideRecord
MeliaceaeTurraea zambesica Grounds of Avani Resort, Livingstone.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeVigna reticulata Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.Record
RhamnaceaeZiziphus mucronata Grounds of Avani Hotel, Livingstone, ZambiaRecord

Number of records found: 223

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave 2007-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: Location search results: Victoria Falls Zambia .
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=120, retrieved 7 September 2024

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