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The following is a list of the records made by Valdemar Fijamo in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
74094 | Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana | 9 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR8 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta aberta de solo franco arenoso avermelhado, com predominancia de Brachystegia spp, Julbernardia globiflora e Erythrophleum suaveolensis. Found alond the road | Mutondha Forest, in Mahate. Along Mudzira river | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 566 | Frequent |
-19.686111 | 33.179889 | 7 | |||
74077 | Aeschynomene nodulosa var. glabrescens | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6135 | A Grall | K LMA Ndzou |
Swamp grassland with woodland fringe; wetter area by spring. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Ndowane wetland, near Comene forest. wp 517. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 332 | Multistemmed shrub to 3 m. Flowers yellow witn brown markings. |
-19.975370 | 33.089650 | 7 | |||
74030 | Albizia versicolor | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM142 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate, no rio Mudzira rodeado de mutas rochas grande | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 397 | Arvore, caule rugosa, folhas recompostas, |
-19.671750 | 33.195972 | 7 | |||
73710 | Anthospermum ternatum subsp. randii | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 957 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Shrublet c. 40 cm tall with numerous erect branches. Mostly over at this time of year. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
73723 | Aporrhiza paniculata | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 970 | G Gosline | K LMA Ndzou |
Margin of moist forest near transition to miombo woodland. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Tree to 6 m tall with arching branches. Fruits green with velvety grey-green hairs; seeds with bright orange aril. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
74073 | Aporrhiza paniculata | 13 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo |
J Timberlake 6131 | G Gosline | K LMA Ndzou |
Swamp forest patch in wet grassy area with Uapaca lissopyrena & Syzygium cordatum. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Comene forest near Rio Mucoco. wp 509. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 254 | Small tree to 5 m. Leaves sub-opposite. Inflorescence terminal. Fruits flattened, ± winged. |
-19.968740 | 33.102460 | 7 | |||
74089 | Asparagus falcatus var. falcatus | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6147 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Brachystegia microphylla woodland among white Chimanimani sandstone boulders. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area under Headman Comene, c.1 km W of Rio Thiegunvu. wp 548. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Scrambling herb; stems woody, phyllodes quite prickly. No flowers/fruits. |
-19.984880 | 33.077730 | 7 | |||
98367 | Bersama abyssinica | 26 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6075 | I Darbyshire I Chelene A Banze | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Millettia-Newtonia. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Mbiquiza forest, between Mussapa & Tave rivers. wp228 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C2 | MS | 560 | Sub-canopy tree to 6 m. Leaves clustered terminally, with winged rachis. Fruit large, green, axillary, splitting open later. |
-19.744389 | 33.300194 | 7 | |||
98397 | Blighia unijugata | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6106 | G Gosline | K LMA Ndzou |
Millettia open woodland. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp280 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 383 | Small understory tree to 3 m. Bark smooth, dark. Leaves dark green, glossy. |
-19.901694 | 33.189833 | 7 | |||
98394 | Bolbitis heudelotii | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6103 | A Grall | K LMA Ndzou |
Moister forest near stream with Newtonia-Funtumia. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp277 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 333 | Lithophytic fern on quartzite boulders in stream. Creeping robust rhizome. Fronds deeper blue-green; none fertile. |
-19.900639 | 33.190167 | 7 | |||
74086 | Brachystegia glaucescens | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6144 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Brachystegia microphylla woodland among white Chimanimani sandstone boulders. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area under Headman Comene, c.1 km W of Rio Thiegunvu. wp 548. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Spreading tree to 4 or 8 m, sometimes with multiple stems. Bark smooth, light grey, heavily covered in lichens. Fine narrow leaflets, drooping in rain or at night. |
-19.984880 | 33.077730 | 7 | |||
98399 | Brachystegia spiciformis | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6108 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Millettia-Brachystegia open woodland. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp280 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 383 | Spreading canopy tree to 10 m, branching low. Bark dark, flaking. Leaves glossy green, terminal pair largest; buds rounded. |
-19.901694 | 33.189833 | 7 | |||
74029 | Brackenridgea zanguebarica | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM141 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate, na margem do rio Mudzira, em topografia bem incrinada | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 580 | Arbusto com 8m de altura, caule amarelo esbranquissado, casca amarela, flores brancos. |
-19.670861 | 33.203722 | 7 | |||
74070 | Brackenridgea zanguebarica | 8 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6128 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Fire-maintained wooded grassland on hillslope on ?Umkondo sandstone. In tree clump by rocks. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Dombene area, foot of Chimanimani escarpment. Wp 486 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 841 | Small tree to 5 m. New leaves but older fruits. |
-19.706960 | 33.168960 | 7 | |||
74078 | Brackenridgea zanguebarica | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6136 | I Darbyshire | K LMA |
Swamp grassland with woodland fringe; drier fringing areas. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Ndowane wetland, near Comene forest. wp 516. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 332 | Shrub to 1.5 m; young growth. Flowers clustered in axils with leaves, petals cream-white, reflexed |
-19.975600 | 33.089280 | 7 | |||
73708 | Buchnera hispida | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 955 | I Darbyshire | K LMA |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Erect annual herb c. 60 cm tall. Corolla lobes blue-purple, tube and outside of lobes paler. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
74093 | Calycosiphonia spathicalyx | 9 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR6 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta meio-aberta, semelhante ao miombo, devido a ocorrencia de algumas especies do miombo, tais como: Brachystegia spp, Julbernardia spp. E maior predominancia da Erythrophleum suaveolensis.Solo franco arenoso. | Mutondha Forest, in Mahate. Along Mudzira river | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 574 | Non frequent |
-19.687444 | 33.178611 | 7 | |||
73714 | Celosia trigyna | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 961 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Miombo woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, Uapaca nitida, Psorospermum febrifugum and Hymenocardia acida, adjacent to open seasonally wet grassland area, on coarse leached sand. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Annual herb with many branches from a decumbent base. Tepals white, flower pink within. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
73705 | Chlorophytum blepharophyllum subsp. blepharophyllum | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 952 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Herb with fleshy white roots. Corolla barely opens, yellowish-green or yellow. Fruits green. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
74084 | Cleistanthus polystachyus subsp. milleri | 16 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6142 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Forested margin of ravine on Chimanimani white sandstone; understorey. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzireni forest by Rio Murere. wp 538. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 331 | Small tree to 3 m. Leaves hard, sclerophyllous, older ones with lichens on upper surface; very marked drip-tips. |
-19.948830 | 33.094580 | 7 | |||
98389 | Cleistanthus polystachyus subsp. milleri | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6098 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous forest with Newtonia-Millettia and evergreen understory. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp274 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 342 | Small understory tree to 4 m. Leaves glossy green, leathery, evergreen, margins entire. |
-19.903889 | 33.190778 | 7 | |||
98407 | Coffea salvatrix | 4 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6116 | MR Cheek | K LMA Ndzou |
Newtonia-Millettia forest with evergreen understory, especially Rothmannia and Rinorea. On path in shade. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba Centro area, Maurami forest, near Rio Chindore. wp295 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 177 | Understory shrub to 2 m. Leaves/stems sometimes in 3s. Young stems reddish. Fruits single, axillary. voucher 025/2 |
7 | |||||
74088 | Coleochloa setifera | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6146 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Brachystegia microphylla woodland among white Chimanimani sandstone boulders. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area under Headman Comene, c.1 km W of Rio Thiegunvu. wp 548. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Small tufted sedge forming dense clumps or tufts on rocks. |
-19.984880 | 33.077730 | 7 | |||
73702 | Coleus sanguineus | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 949 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Erect succulent perennial herb to 3 m tall, slender stiff stems. At this time, mainly over with new leaves emerging but a few stems with flowering spikes. Corolla pale pink. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
98402 | Costus afer | 2 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6111 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverine forest with Albizia adianthifolia, by stream in more open area. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, Mutsarara River in Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp283 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 320 | Fleshy herb to 1.5 m by streamside. Stems and leaves spirally arranged. Terminal clustered inflorescence. Flowers opening singly, white with pink-maroon mouth; prominent yellow lines to hidden stamens. |
-19.912389 | 33.193500 | 7 | |||
74067 | Costus macranthus | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6125 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Base of slope in Brachystegia microphylla woodland transitional zone on schist with Millettia stuhlmannii, Erythrophleum suaveolens. In leaf litter. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Mt Chisukuvo lower slopes. wp 469 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 655 | Yellow flower from fleshy root; shoot also fleshy. Root more vertical than horizontal. |
-19.674810 | 33.201040 | 7 | |||
73733 | Craterispermum schweinfurthii | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 981 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Margins of riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Shrub. Flowers white, lobes recurved, stigma white, 2-lobed. Fruits green or with purplish tinge. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
74046 | Craterispermum schweinfurthii | 9 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM159 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta fechada sempre verde (galeria) solo franco arrenoso, com predominancia da Breonadia sp, Anthocleista grandiflora | Floresta Mahate na zona de Dhombeni proximo do rio runde | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 945 | Arbusto de 6m alt, caule castanho liso de seiva doce, folhas simples opostas com estipula |
-19.708389 | 33.160361 | 7 | |||
74082 | Craterispermum schweinfurthii | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6140 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Secondary thicket near river margin. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Comene forest near Rio Chiira. wp 523. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 342 | Shrub to 2 m. Fleshy leaves. Small green fruits clustered in axils. |
-19.975920 | 33.087440 | 7 | |||
98400 | Croton sylvaticus | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6109 | I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele | K LMA Ndzou |
Millettia open woodland, just above forested ravine. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp280 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 383 | Canopy tree to 15 m. Bark smooth. Slash slightly aromatic, yellow-green. Leaves with stellate hairs underneath. |
-19.901694 | 33.189833 | 7 | |||
74099 | Cycnium adonense subsp. adonense | 8 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR4 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
At a meadow / wold and with occurrence of combonian rocks (franc sandy soil, middle reddish). Most occurrence of Pterocarpus genus | Mahate Forest, at Dhombeni area. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 919 | Herb with white flowers (4-5 petals), simple leaves with toothed margins |
-19.711806 | 33.173472 | 6 | |||
74028 | Dalbergia boehmii subsp. boehmii | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM139 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate, na margem do rio Mudzira, em topografia bem incrinada | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 660 | Arvore com 12m, folhas compostas oposta imparpinadas, flores branco pequenas |
-19.678389 | 33.204472 | 7 | |||
98411 | Diospyros mespiliformis | 4 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6120 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Raised settlement area, mostly cleared and arable. Remnant tree. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba Centro area, Mutowe, near Rio Chindore. wp300 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 177 | Large tree to 25 m, spreading, dbh 134.3 cm. Foliage evergreen; leaves lanceolate. Fruits solitary, green, with persistent calyx. |
-19.876556 | 33.258472 | 7 | |||
74044 | Diospyros natalensis subsp. natalensis | 9 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM157 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Dombeni no rio Mudzira onde se limita com a zona de Mutonda e Chipara | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 538 | Arbusto de 3,5 m, encontrado ao longo do rio, folha pequena lisa lanceolada, pessiolo peludo de 3mm. |
-19.686111 | 33.173917 | 7 | |||
74031 | Diplorhynchus condylocarpon | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM143 | DJ Goyder | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate, no rio Mudzira rodeado de mutas rochas grande | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 397 | Arvore de 8m, caule rugoso castanho com seiva branca colante |
-19.671750 | 33.195972 | 7 | |||
98376 | Dombeya burgessiae | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6084 | A Grall | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Newtonia-Erythrophleum. path side. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, track to Chik? from Mpunga Centro. wp249 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 569 | Woody herb to small shrub to 1.5 m. Flowers white, drying brown. |
-19.761139 | 33.316056 | 7 | |||
98390 | Drypetes arguta | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6099 | I Darbyshire AJ Zombamele | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous forest with Newtonia-Millettia-Albizia and evergreen understory. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp275 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 353 | Understory shrub to small tree. Twigs pale, young growth stems green. Leaves evergreen, glossy, unequal base, serrated margins. |
-19.903639 | 33.190972 | 7 | |||
74083 | Drypetes natalensis var. natalensis | 16 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6141 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Forest subcanopy, Newtonia moist forest on hillslope, on quartzite. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzireni forest. wp 536. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 327 | Tree to 8 m, branches spreading. Bark furrowed, thin. Slash whitish; wood hard. Leaves with drip tip, somewht sclerophyllous, markedly serrate. Fruiting on stem; clusters of green hard fruits, c.1 cm long, somewhat warty. |
-19.950930 | 33.097130 | 7 | |||
74049 | Elephantorrhiza goetzei subsp. goetzei | 10 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM162 | J Timberlake GP Lewis | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de montanha, solos franco arrenoso com predominancia de muitas rochas e maior ocorrencia da Brachystegia glaucescens, B. utilis, B. spiciformis e Julbernardia globiflora | Floresta Mahate no monte chipara proximo do rio Mudzira rodeado de rochas | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 581 | Arbusto de 4m altura, caule escuro, vagem comprido cerca de 30cm, folhas recompostas caducas |
-19.676000 | 33.189750 | 7 | |||
73722 | Empogona kirkii subsp. kirkii | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 969 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Miombo woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, Uapaca nitida, Psorospermum febrifugum and Hymenocardia acida, adjacent to open seasonally wet grassland area, on coarse leached sand. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Shrub with widely divergent branches, 1-2 m tall. Small green fruits. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
74080 | Entada abyssinica | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6138 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Wooded grassland with Maprounea africana. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Ndowane area, near Comene forest. wp 518. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 337 | Tree to 4 m. Long spicate axillary inflorescence, greenish-white with yellow anthers. Many ants farming scale insects. |
-19.974220 | 33.088420 | 7 | |||
73736 | Eriocaulon inyangense | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 985 | SM Phillips | K LMA |
In damp mossy crevice between sandstone rocks on river margin, edge of riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Erect herb from rosette of leaves. Capitula grey-white. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
74038 | Eriosema psoraleoides | 8 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM151 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta aberta (prado) com muitas pedras, solo franco arrenoso meio avermelhados com predominancia da Pterocarpus angolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Dhombeni rodeado de pequenas pedras num grass land | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 832 | Arbusto 2m altura, folhas alternada palmada, flores amarelas com cheiro agradavel, fruto com formato de vagem de 2 sementes inserido alternadamente no topo da planta. |
-19.706639 | 33.168861 | 7 | |||
73725 | Erythroxylum emarginatum | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 973 | I Darbyshire | K LISC LMA |
Small clearing in moist forest. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, along path that eventually leads to Mahate. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 269 | Small tree or shrub, up to 3.5 m tall, dense foliage. Fruits green with pale green pedicels. |
-19.961056 | 33.102139 | 7 | |||
73662 | Eulophia cucullata | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 907 | PJ Cribb | K LMA Ndzou |
Seasonally wet open grassland with sandy-peaty soils, some areas now dried out and with more sandy soil; scattered small trees and bushes of Maprounea africana, Aeschynomene, Dissotis and Eriosema; and small patches of swamp forest. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Wandowani, west of Comeni's compound. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 340 | Terrestrial orchid to c. 30 cm tall, largely leafless; swollen white rootstock. Tepals pink, short rounded spur yellowish, throat white with mauve speckling, labellum with brownish central area. |
7 | |||||
74100 | Fadogia homblei | 8 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR5 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
At a meadow / wold and with occurrence of combonian rocks (franc sandy soil, middle reddish). Most occurrence of Pterocarpus genus | Mahate Forest, at Dhombeni area. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 919 | Non frequent |
-19.711806 | 33.173472 | 6 | |||
98403 | Ficus exasperata | 2 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6112 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverine forest with Celtis; understory of Rawsonia and Rinorea. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, Mutsarara River in Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp287 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 355 | Large buttressed tree to 30 m. Bark smooth, pale yellow-green, no lenticels. Branch breakages rounded; some epicormic shoots, hollow (collected). Slash thin, no speckles, pale yellow-green, slightly sticky; no smell to slightly fresh smell. Leaves large, very rough/sandpapery to touch, ?equal at base, light yellow-green; larger/broader than those of C. gomphophylla. |
-19.911972 | 33.191556 | 7 | |||
74085 | Ficus lutea | 16 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6143 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Rocks on edge of quartzite gorge in fringing riverine forest. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzireni forest by Rio Murere. wp 538. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 331 | Large spreading tree to 15 m; bole straight, branched high, loaded with epiphytes (Rhipsalis, orchids). Bark dark brown, smooth, slightly shiny in places. Leaves large, clustered terminanlly, not hairy. |
-19.948830 | 33.094580 | 7 | |||
98404 | Ficus mucuso | 2 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6113 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverine vegetation. Open area by small waterfall, surrounded by Newtonia-Celtis forests. Almost growing in water. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, Mutsarara River in Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp286 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 355 | Small tree to 3 m, sprawling. Leaves ovate, strongly pubescent. Young buds brown-pubescent. |
-19.912333 | 33.192083 | 7 | |||
73713 | Ficus muelleriana | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 960 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Shrub to 2 m tall, at first with prostrate branches adpressed to the rock faces. Stems purplish, with white exudate. Figs green, sometimes reddish towards apex. |
7 | |||||
73724 | Garcinia kingaensis | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 971 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Understorey of moist forest with Maranthes, Millettia stuhlmannii. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Small tree to c. 5 m tall; yellow exudate when cut. One damaged fruit seen, green, globose, with yellow exudate beneath skin, white within. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
74072 | Gardenia imperialis subsp. imperialis | 13 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo |
J Timberlake 6130 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Swamp forest patch in wet grassy area with Uapaca lissopyrena & Syzygium cordatum. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Comene forest near Rio Mucoco. wp 509. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 254 | Tree to 6 m. Leaves large, ribbed, clustered terminally. Fruits axillary, very hard, many-seeded, in 2s. |
-19.968740 | 33.102460 | 7 | |||
74068 | Gonatopus boivinii | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6126 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Brachystegia microphylla woodland with Julbernardia on schist, in understorey with shrubs. Porcupines eat corms. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Mt Chisukuvo lower slopes. wp 470 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 601 | Fleshy herb to 150 cm from shallow flattened corm; roots fleshy. Leaves fleshy, pinnate. Flower arising from base, spathe cream with pale yellow spadix. |
-19.671240 | 33.203980 | 7 | |||
74065 | Hydrostachys polymorpha | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6123 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
River bed, growing on submerged rocks in fast-flowing water, surrounded by riverine fringe woodland. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Rio Modzi, near TFCA camp at end of road. wp 464 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 450 | Aquatic herb with strong holdfast roots. Leaves feathery, stems rubbery. |
-19.680770 | 33.191420 | 7 | |||
74069 | Hydrostachys polymorpha | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6127 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Rooted on rocks on bed of fairly fast-flowing permanent rocky river, surrounded by miombo woodland. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Rio Mudziva. Wp 471 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 391 | Rubbery aquatic attached with holdfast to rocks. Plants exposed by lower water level now flowering, but with few leaves. |
-19.666740 | 33.200190 | 7 | |||
74090 | Hymenocardia acida var. mollis | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6148 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Uapaca nitida-U. kirkiana miombo woodland, by open grassy area. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area, c.0.5 km W of Rio Thiengunvu. wp 549 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 333 | Small understorey tree to 5 m. Bark flaky. Young leaves flushing red. Fruits winged, yound developing ones still with bright red stigma. |
-19.983270 | 33.081740 | 7 | |||
73721 | Hymenocardia ulmoides | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 968 | I Darbyshire | K LMA |
Miombo woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, Uapaca nitida, Psorospermum febrifugum and Hymenocardia acida, adjacent to open seasonally wet grassland area, on coarse leached sand. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Small tree to 3 m tall, dense foliage on lateral branches. Male flowers minute, red-green. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
73730 | Indigofera lyallii subsp. nyassica | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 978 | BD Schrire | K LMA Ndzou |
Amongst sandstone boulders on edge of dry river channel, light riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Slender shrub to 3 m tall. Fruits brown, pendulous. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
73737 | Isolepis fluitans | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 986 | I Darbyshire | LMA |
Small crevices in riverside sandstone boulders next to rapids. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Minute tufted herb, spikelets green. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
98408 | Ixora narcissodora | 4 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6117 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Newtonia-Millettia forest with evergreen understory, especially Rothmannia and Rinorea. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba Centro area, Maurami forest, near Rio Chindore. wp295 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 177 | Woody shrub to 1.5 m. Inflorescence racemose. Fruits green, bilocular. |
-19.878972 | 33.248556 | 7 | |||
98405 | Jacquemontia tamnifolia | 4 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6114 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Fallow maize field, by footpath. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba Centro area, near Rio Chindore. wp291 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 173 | Climbing twining herb. All dry clustered flower heads with ripe seed. Seed collected. |
-19.894194 | 33.259806 | 7 | |||
74050 | Lannea schimperi | 10 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM164 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de montanha, solos franco arrenoso com predominancia de muitas rochas e maior ocorrencia da Brachystegia glaucescens, B. utilis, B. spiciformis e Julbernardia globiflora | Floresta Mahate no monte chipara proximo do rio Mudzira rodeado de rochas | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 555 | Arvore de 6m, caulte preto branco, cascas carnudas de cor de vinho, folhas compostas alternadas imparpinuladas, fruto circular acastanhado |
-19.676778 | 33.190278 | 7 | |||
98375 | Leptactina platyphylla | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6083 | I Darbyshire A Banze | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Newtonia-Erythrophleum. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, track to Chik? from Mpunga Centro. wp248 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 547 | Small tree to 4 m. Large leaves. Axillary fruits with long sepals. |
-19.761194 | 33.319667 | 7 | |||
98393 | Macaranga capensis | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6102 | I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous moister forest near stream with Newtonia-Funtumia and evergreen understory. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp277 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 333 | Large tree to 15 m. Bark light coloured, smooth, with red slash. Leaves heart-shaped, somewhat peltate. |
-19.900639 | 33.190167 | 7 | |||
74079 | Maprounea africana | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6137 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Swamp grassland with woodland fringe; drier fringing areas. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Ndowane wetland, near Comene forest. wp 516. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 332 | Shrubs to 1.5 m or small tree. Leaves with long petioles. Fruits on side shoots, reddish above. |
-19.975600 | 33.089280 | 7 | |||
74081 | Maranthes goetzeniana | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo |
J Timberlake 6139 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Moist forest patch, but dry underneath. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Ndowane area, near Comene forest. wp 521. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 348 | Canopy tree to 22 m, dbh 64.2 cm; hardly buttressed. Bark rather thin, slightly pale, green-tinged, with raised lenticels that rub off like Celtis; very hard underneath. Slash dark red, darkening to maroon on exposure. |
7 | |||||
98396 | Maranthes goetzeniana | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6105 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Degraded woodland on steep mid-slope of quartzite hill, with invasive Vernonanthura. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp279 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 393 | Large emergent tree to 25 m high, but taller in moist forest below. Bark pale, ?yellow-brown tinged, flaky. Slash deep red-maroon. Leaves large, leathery, evergreen, alternate. |
7 | |||||
74036 | Margaretta rosea subsp. whytei | 8 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM149 | DJ Goyder | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta aberta (prado) com muitas pedras, solo franco arrenoso meio avermelhados com predominancia da Pterocarpus angolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Dhombeni rodeado de pequenas pedras num grass land | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 839 | Erva com 50 cm, folhas opostas alongados, com nervura principal bem visivel, peciolo insignificante, flores situado no topo da planta sendo de cor esbranquissado, caule nao oco e sai seiva aleitado, raiz aplumada sem as secundarias. |
-19.707111 | 33.169111 | 7 | |||
74063 | Mascarenhasia arborescens | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6121 | DJ Goyder | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverine fringe woodland. Steep slopes above with miombo woodland. Among rocks by river. On schist. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Rio Modzi, near TFCA camp at end of road. wp 464 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 450 | Shrub to 2 m. Milky latex. Axillary clustered cream flowers, petals with hairs. |
-19.680770 | 33.191420 | 7 | |||
73711 | Melinis repens | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 958 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Tufted perennial with grey-green foliage; pale yellow-brown spikelets. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
73719 | Mesanthemum africanum | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 966 | SM Phillips | K LMA Ndzou |
Damp open grassland on leached sandy soils. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Tufted perennial herb with dense clump of leaves including dried dead outer leaves. Inflorescence on long culm, capitula white. |
7 | |||||
74045 | Microcoelia exilis | 9 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM158 | PJ Cribb | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Mutonda proximo do pequrno rio Magondo | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 616 | Trepadeira parasita sobre arvore, sem folha, de cor castanho esbranquissado e carnudo |
7 | |||||
74032 | Microsorum scolopendria | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM144 | A Grall | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate, no rio Mudzira rodeado de mutas rochas grande | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 673 | -19.678778 | 33.203694 | 7 | ||||
74051 | Mikania chenopodiifolia | 10 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM165 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de montanha, solos franco arrenoso com predominancia de muitas rochas e maior ocorrencia da Brachystegia glaucescens, B. utilis, B. spiciformis e Julbernardia globiflora | Floresta Mahate no rio Muzira em solo arrenoso | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 455 | Trepadeira muito ramificado de 3m de comprimento, caulhe com brobulhas, folhas em forma do coracao com cheiro esquisito |
-19.679056 | 33.192056 | 7 | |||
73735 | Nuxia oppositifolia | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 984 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Amongst sandstone boulders on margin of main river channel, on edge of riverine forest dominated by Uapaca lissopyrena. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Small tree or shrub, up to 3 m tall. Collected previously in bud only, here in full flower. Corolla white, 4-lobed, 4 long-exserted white stamens. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
74076 | Ochna arborea var. oconnorii | 13 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo |
J Timberlake 6134 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous moist forest with Newtonia, Albizia adianthifolia, Funtumia; in forest understorey. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Comene forest near Rio Mucoco. wp 511. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 287 | Shrub to 4 m. Young growth green; leaves in 2 planes. |
-19.967470 | 33.103260 | 7 | |||
74096 | Ochna macrocalyx | 10 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR10 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta meio-aberta, com maior ocorrencia de Brachystegia spp, Julbernardia spp. Solo franco arenoso. | Chipara forest, in Mahate | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 561 | Occasional |
-19.677639 | 33.188528 | 7 | |||
74097 | Ochna macrocalyx | 10 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR11 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta meio-aberta, com maior ocorrencia de Brachystegia spp, Julbernardia spp. Solo franco arenoso. | Chipara forest, in Mahate | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 558 | Occasional |
-19.679583 | 33.189806 | 7 | |||
74087 | Olax dissitiflora | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6145 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Brachystegia microphylla woodland among white Chimanimani sandstone boulders. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area under Headman Comene, c.1 km W of Rio Thiegunvu. wp 548. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Shrub to small tree, 2 m tall. Stems slightly greenish. Fruits small, green, axillary. |
-19.984880 | 33.077730 | 7 | |||
74041 | Olyra latifolia | 9 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM154 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Mutonda proximo da residencia do regulo Mahate | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 676 | Capim tipo bambu pequeno de 0,5 m altura, caule dividido em nos e oco, floracao em espigueta e germina aglomerado |
-19.681667 | 33.171083 | 7 | |||
73712 | Otiophora lanceolata | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 959 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Trailing perennial herb from brittle rootstock. Not flowering at this time of year. Sterile voucher for identification. |
7 | |||||
98371 | Oxyanthus pyriformis | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6079 | NMJ Davies | K LMA |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Pteleopsis-Newtonia-Funtumia. In shade by path. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Chiquartira forest. wp235 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 590 | Shrub to 3 m. Very large dark green glossy leaves, large interpetiolar stipule. Fruits axillary. |
-19.760444 | 33.315750 | 7 | |||
98409 | Oxyanthus speciosus subsp. stenocarpus | 4 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6118 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Newtonia-Millettia forest with evergreen understory. Near large Khaya. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba Centro area, Maurami forest, near Rio Chindore. wp296 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 187 | Evergreen fleshy shrub to 2 m. Leaves large, with large enclosing stipules. Fruits axillary, shaped like figs. |
-19.878722 | 33.246222 | 7 | |||
74075 | Panicum dregeanum | 13 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo |
J Timberlake 6133 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Swamp grassland; frequently burnt. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Comene forest near Rio Mucoco. wp 510. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 271 | Tufted perennial grass to 1 m. |
-19.968570 | 33.102720 | 7 | |||
74098 | Pellaea calomelanos var. swynnertoniana | 17 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR12 | A Grall | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Frequent |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
98372 | Pericopsis angolensis | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6080 | J Timberlake | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Pteleopsis-Newtonia-Erythrophleum-Millettia. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Chiquartira forest. wp243 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 463 | Canopy tree to 18 m, dbh 33.0 cm, or shrub to 1 m. Bark smooth, grey, flaking in sections. |
-19.763833 | 33.329556 | 7 | |||
73732 | Phyllanthus myrtaceus | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 980 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Amongst sandstone boulders on edge of dry river channel, light riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Shrub, 2.5 m tall; leaves pale green beneath, glossy green above. Flowers male, cupular, sepals pale green-white; stamens yellow. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
98366 | Pleurolobus salicifolius var. salicifolius | 26 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6073 | BD Schrire | K LMA Ndzou |
Broad grassy valley with Ischaemum grass, surrounded by semi-deciduous forest. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, valley of Rio Tave, adjacent to sacred Ngurume forest. wp220 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C2 | MS | 493 | Woody herb to 1.5 m. Flowers in terminal racemes, small, pale yellow. Pods small, stick to clothes. Seeds collected. |
-19.748583 | 33.310639 | 7 | |||
73720 | Polygala gazensis | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 967 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Miombo woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, Uapaca nitida, Psorospermum febrifugum and Hymenocardia acida, adjacent to open seasonally wet grassland area, on coarse leached sand. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Shrublet to 1.5 m tall, widely branched with ladder-like leaf arrangement. Lateral sepals pale pink externally, green-tinged centrally and with dark red-brown midvein, pink within; keel petal pink with mauve fringe. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
73706 | Polygala producta | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 953 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Erect herb, tufted. Lateral sepals green with darker veins. Petals purple, with darker purple fringe to the keel. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
73716 | Polygala producta | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 963 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Miombo woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, Uapaca nitida, Psorospermum febrifugum and Hymenocardia acida, adjacent to open seasonally wet grassland area, on coarse leached sand. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Herb to 1.5 m tall. Lateral sepals yellowish-green with dark green venation. Corolla purple, paler at base. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
73739 | Pseuderanthemum subviscosum | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 988 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Moist forest with Maranthes, Newtonia, Funtumia, Millettia stuhlmannii, Khaya. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, near Murere River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Perennial herb or subshrub to 1.5 m tall, bark of mature stems pale brown, often abruptly changing to herbaceous dark green on leafy stems. Fruits green. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
73715 | Psilotrichum scleranthum | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 962 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Transition from miombo (Brachystegia spiciformis-Uapaca nitida) woodland to dry forest, especially along path margins. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Small shrub to 1-1.5 m tall, rarely taller, much branched. Inflorescences green-white. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
73665 | Psorospermum febrifugum | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 910 | I Darbyshire | K LMA |
Transition from riverine woodland to open seasonally wet grassland. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Wandowani, west of Comeni's compound. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 340 | Shrub to 3 m tall. Petals cream-coloured, woolly within; stamens yellow. |
-19.975833 | 33.089222 | 7 | |||
74033 | Psorospermum febrifugum | 7 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM146 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia utilis e B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate na zona de chipara em solos franco arenoso | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 563 | Arbusto com 50 cm, flores brancas, folhas simples opostas com 1mm de peciolos, caule amarelado |
-19.671417 | 33.183639 | 7 | |||
98410 | Psychotria peduncularis var. nyassana | 4 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6119 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Newtonia-Millettia forest with evergreen understory. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba Centro area, Maurami forest, near Rio Chindore. wp297 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 193 | Woody shrub to 1.5 m. Young stems soft, green. Inflorescence axillary, clustered; flowers white, small, tubular. Fruits metallic blue. Ripe fruits and flowers on same inflorescence. Seed collected. |
-19.878778 | 33.246056 | 7 | |||
73729 | Psychotria pumila var. buzica | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 977 | I Darbyshire | K LMA |
Amongst sandstone boulders on edge of dry river channel, light riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Shrublet, 30 cm tall, with erect branches from base. Flowers white, corolla with recurved lobes. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
73728 | Psydrax kraussioides | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 976 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Dry riverbed with sandstone boulders, light riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Liana, here trailing over rocks, with long whip-like branches. Flower buds white-green. Fruits 2-lobed, glossy green. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
98373 | Rawsonia lucida | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6081 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Newtonia-Erythrophleum. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, track to Chik? from Mpunga Centro. wp247 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 510 | Understory tree to 6 m. Leaves dark green, leathery, serrated margins. |
-19.762111 | 33.321000 | 7 | |||
73707 | Rhipsalis baccifera | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 954 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Pendulous stems growing from rock crevices, some young stems spiny. Fruits white, fleshy. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
98369 | Rinorea ferruginea | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6077 | I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Pteleopsis-Newtonia-Funtumia, understory. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Chiquartira forest. wp234 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 573 | Shrub to 1.5 m. Leaves dark, glossy, toothed towards tip. Flowers small in terminal raceme, yellowish, closed. |
-19.759278 | 33.316028 | 7 | |||
98392 | Rinorea ferruginea | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6101 | I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous moister forest with Newtonia-Funtumia and evergreen understory. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp277 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 333 | Large shrub to small understory tree with spreading branches. Leaves evergreen with drip-tip, margins serrated, tapering at base, marked pulvinus. Inflorescence terminal, not yet open. |
-19.900639 | 33.190167 | 7 | |||
73663 | Rotheca myricoides | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 908 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Transition from riverine woodland to open seasonally wet grassland, growing with Psorospermum febrifugum. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Wandowani, west of Comeni's compound. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 340 | Shrub to 2.5 m. Fruits green turning brown-black, often on leafless portions of branches. |
-19.975833 | 33.089222 | 7 | |||
73717 | Rutidea fuscescens subsp. fuscescens | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 964 | M Alvarez | K LMA Ndzou |
Margin of moist forest adjacent to open seasonally wet grassland, climbing over shrubs. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Scrambling shrub or liana. Corolla white, 4-lobed, lobes recurved towards apices, large white clavate stigma exserted. Flowers with sweet scent. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
98398 | Salacia elegans | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6107 | G Gosline | K LMA Ndzou |
Millettia open woodland. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp280 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 383 | Slender shrub to 2 m. |
-19.901694 | 33.189833 | 7 | |||
73709 | Schizobasis intricata | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 956 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Erect wiry herb with pink gelatinous bulb. Tepals pinkish-green with pink midvein, only seen in bud at 1 pm. Fruits green. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
74066 | Schizobasis intricata | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6124 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Top of white sandstone hill in Brachystegia microphylla woodland among lichens and moss on rocks. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Mt Chisukuvo summit. wp 468 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 718 | Small bulbous herb. Shoots very slender. Small terminal green flowers, not yet open. Collection mixed with Thesium sp. |
-19.676430 | 33.198860 | 7 | |||
74095 | Schrebera alata | 9 Nov 2015 | VR Fijamo |
VR Fijamo VR9 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta meio-aberta, semelhante ao miombo, devido a ocorrencia de algumas especies do miombo, tais como: Brachystegia spp, Julbernardia spp. E maior predominancia da Erythrophleum suaveolensis.Solo franco arenoso. | Mutondha Forest, in Mahate. Along Mudzira river | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 585 | Frequent |
-19.686083 | 33.179778 | 7 | |||
73701 | Sclerochiton coeruleus | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 948 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Erect shrublet with tall parallel stems to 1 m. Bracts and calyces pale green, sometimes with mauve-tinged apices. Corolla white towards base, pale blue-lilac in upper half and lobes; stamens grey-white. |
7 | |||||
74035 | Searsia chirindensis | 7 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM148 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia utilis e B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate na zona de Monte Bhanha em solos franco arenoso rodeado de rochas grandes | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 938 | Abusto com cerca de 2m, folhas paminevias, encontrado na zona de muitas pedras |
-19.657278 | 33.155444 | 7 | |||
74037 | Securidaca longepedunculata | 8 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM150 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta aberta (prado) com muitas pedras, solo franco arrenoso meio avermelhados com predominancia da Pterocarpus angolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Dhombeni rodeado de pequenas pedras num grass land | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 832 | Arbusto de 7m, caule acastanhado muito forte, nao bem recto, folhas alterndas, simples, peciolos 2mm, flores de cor de vinho esbranquissado |
-19.706667 | 33.169111 | 7 | |||
74042 | Setaria megaphylla | 9 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM155 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Mutonda proximo da residencia do regulo Mahate | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 676 | Capim com cerca de 1m de altura, raizes fasciculada, aglomerado mais de 5 planta num solo fertil |
-19.681667 | 33.171083 | 7 | |||
73734 | Strychnos angolensis | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 983 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Margins of riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Liana, with hooks on young branches; leaves glossy, dark green. Flowers pale orange. Fruits (collected by J. Massumbi) pale red, globose. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
98395 | Strychnos angolensis | 1 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6104 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Erythrophleum-Trema semi-deciduous forest on steep slope. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp279 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 393 | Climbing understory shrub to 3 m high. Leaves opposite, generally all in one plane. |
-19.900333 | 33.189222 | 7 | |||
73664 | Strychnos spinosa | 14 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 909 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Seasonally wet open grassland with sandy-peaty soils, some areas now dried out and with more sandy soil; scattered small trees and bushes of Maprounea africana, Aeschynomene, Dissotis and Eriosema; and small patches of swamp forest. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Wandowani, west of Comeni's compound. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 340 | Shrub to 2.5 m, leaves vivid green; sharp thorns on older branches. Flowers in bud only, pale green. |
-19.975833 | 33.089222 | 7 | |||
74071 | Strychnos spinosa | 8 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6129 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Fire-maintained wooded grassland on hillslope on ?Umkondo sandstone. In tree clump by rocks. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Dombene area, foot of Chimanimani escarpment. wp 486 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 841 | Small shrubby tree to 4 m. Some old fruits to 6 cm diameter. Flowering on new growth. |
-19.706960 | 33.168960 | 7 | |||
74034 | Stylochaeton natalensis subsp. natalensis | 7 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM147 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia utilis e B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate na zona de chipara em solos franco arenoso na berma de um rio pequeno | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 441 | Erva encontrado ao lado do riacho, aglomrrado cerca de 6 plantas altura de 10-25 cm, raiz fasciculada carnuda inserida num bolbo amarelo amargante e por vezes desenvolve reservas brancas comparado a um dente do alho ligado no bolbo, folha unica lobada. |
-19.660806 | 33.186806 | 7 | |||
74048 | Synaptolepis alternifolia | 10 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM161 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de montanha, solos franco arrenoso com predominancia de muitas rochas e maior ocorrencia da Brachystegia glaucescens, B. utilis, B. spiciformis e Julbernardia globiflora | Floresta Mahate no monte chipara proximo do rio Mudzira rodeado de rochas | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 594 | Trepadeira de cerca de 4m de comprimento, e diametro 3cm, fruto verde alongado e vermelho amarelado quanto maduro, folhas pequenas alternadas com pessiolo de 3mm. |
-19.675833 | 33.189444 | 7 | |||
73731 | Syncolostemon flabellifolius | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 979 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Amongst sandstone boulders on edge of dry river channel, light riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Shrub, 2 m tall; leaves silvery beneath, grey-green above. Not flowering at this time of year. |
7 | |||||
74091 | Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6149 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Uapaca nitida-U. kirkiana miombo woodland, by open grassy area. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area, c.0.5 km W of Rio Thiengunvu. wp 549 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 333 | Small understorey tree to 5 m. Leaves leathery. Flowers just finished; fruits purple-tinged. |
-19.983270 | 33.081740 | 7 | |||
98368 | Tarenna pavettoides subsp. affinis | 26 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6076 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Millettia-Newtonia. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Mbiquiza forest, between Mussapa & Tave rivers. wp228 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C2 | MS | 560 | Shrub to 3 . Leaves glossy. Inflorescence axillary. |
-19.744389 | 33.300194 | 7 | |||
74026 | Tricalysia coriacea subsp. angustifolia | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM137 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate, ao longo rio Mudzira de muitas pedras e solo franco arrenoso | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 456 | Arbusto com 2m, folhas simples lisas lanceoladas, opostas, peninervias, fruto vermelho ja maduro |
7 | |||||
74074 | Tricalysia coriacea subsp. angustifolia | 13 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo |
J Timberlake 6132 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Margin of swamp forest patch in wet grassy area with Uapaca lissopyrena & Syzygium cordatum. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Comene forest near Rio Mucoco. wp 509. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 254 | Shrub to 3 m. Leaves darker green, leathery. Fruits axillary, clustered, reddish & fleshy. |
7 | |||||
73704 | Tricalysia delagoensis | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 951 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Shrub or treelet to 2 m tall, much-branched. Young fruits glossy green. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
98374 | Trichilia emetica subsp. emetica | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6082 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Newtonia-Erythrophleum. Isolated clump of c.10 individuals on rocky slope in forest. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, track to Chik? from Mpunga Centro. wp248 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 547 | Tree to 6 m. Large glossy leaves. |
-19.761194 | 33.319667 | 7 | |||
74043 | Tridactyle tridactylites | 9 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM156 | PJ Cribb | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Dombeni no rio Mudzira onde se limita com a zona de Mutonda e Chipara | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 553 | Planta parasita de folhas alongadas paraleninevia alternada, rais carnudas adventicias sobre uma rocha |
7 | |||||
73727 | Uapaca lissopyrena | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 975 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverine forest. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Tree to 20 m tall with stilt roots; dense dark green foliage. Fruits yellow-green speckled brown, turning pale brown. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
74064 | Uapaca lissopyrena | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6122 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverine fringe woodland. Steep slopes above with miombo woodland. Edge of river. On schist. | Sussundenga Dist., Mahate, Rio Modzi, near TFCA camp at end of road. wp 464 | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 450 | Tree or large shrub. Foliage dark green, apparently evergreen. Leaves ovate with long petiole. Specimens nearby with stilt roots. |
-19.680770 | 33.191420 | 7 | |||
73703 | Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 950 | NMJ Davies | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Tree to 3 m tall, leaves felty hairy, greyish-green beneath. Flowers yellow-green. Fruits globose, glossy, bright green. |
-19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
74040 | Vepris nobilis | 9 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM153 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Mutonda proximo da residencia do regulo Mahate | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 676 | Arbusto 4m altura, folha palmada, caule liso acastanhado, casca verde, encontrado na floresta fechada |
-19.681667 | 33.171083 | 7 | |||
73726 | Vernonia muelleri subsp. muelleri | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 974 | J Osborne | K LMA Ndzou |
Amongst sandstone boulders on edge of dry river channel, light riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, where path that eventually leads to Mahate meets the river, here the river splitting into three channels, one with rapids, one with shallow slow-flowing water, the third currently dry. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Shrub to 3 m tall. Old inflorescences only. |
7 | |||||
73718 | Vitex doniana | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 965 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Margin of moist forest adjacent to open seasonally wet grassland. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 366 | Tree c. 7 m tall, dense very glossy foliage; leafy stems red-brown. Fruits green, glossy, within brown-green calyx. |
-19.983083 | 33.082083 | 7 | |||
98370 | Wissadula rostrata | 27 Jun 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6078 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Pteleopsis-Newtonia-Funtumia, side of path. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Chiquartira forest. wp234 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 573 | Herb to 1 m. Upper leaves clasping. Lax sprays of small yellow flowers. Seeds collected. |
-19.759278 | 33.316028 | 7 | |||
74047 | Ximenia caffra var. caffra | 10 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM160 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de montanha, solos franco arrenoso com predominancia de muitas rochas e maior ocorrencia da Brachystegia glaucescens, B. utilis, B. spiciformis e Julbernardia globiflora | Floresta Mahate no monte chipara proximo do rio Mudzira rodeado de rochas | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 594 | Arbusto de 3m de alt. diametro de 3 cm caule escuro espinhoso ate pequenos ramos, fruto circular alongado verde e vermelho amarelado ja maduro, com caroso bem forte (semente) encontrado na zona pedregoso, pessiolo de 5mm. |
-19.675833 | 33.189444 | 7 | |||
73738 | Xylopia aethiopica | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
I Darbyshire 987 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverine forest with Uapaca lissopyrena dominating. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, near Murere River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 310 | Treelet c. 1.5 m; underside of leaves glaucous with yellowish midrib. Sterile voucher for identification. |
-19.953278 | 33.104583 | 7 | |||
74027 | Zamioculcas zamiifolia | 6 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM138 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescens | Floresta Mahate, na margem do rio Mudzira a 150m ate ao rio | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 666 | Bolbo com 30 cm, folhas compostas carnudas, bainha ligado ao solo |
-19.674833 | 33.201056 | 7 | |||
98401 | Zanthoxylum leprieurii | 2 Jul 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo L Nkuna |
J Timberlake 6110 | I Darbyshire | K LMA Ndzou |
Newtonia semi-deciduous forest with Englerophytum understory. | Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp281 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 364 | Slender tree to 6 m. Bark dark grey, striated longitudinally. Stems covered in spine-tipped woody bosses; prickles on twigs. Leaves pinnate. |
-19.912806 | 33.191556 | 7 |
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